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    Organization and Structure

    Hudu Tips & Tricks:
    Magic Dash

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    The company overview page can be great to access and find quick and useful information as soon as you jump in to a company. One of the ways you can do this is through the customizable quick notes section, another is by utilizing Hudu's Magic Dash. Through the use of the Rest API, you can set up the magic dash to bring other useful information directly on the forefront of your company page. Below is an example of how the Magic Dash can look once it is set up. 

    magic dash 1

    We have set up scripts for the Magic Dash to bring in information like an internal client dashboard and a network diagram. In order to set up the Magic Dash, you can go to the API keys section in the Admin tab. In Hudu's API Documentation, we have a swagger page for running different commands in your Hudu instance and there is a section for the Magic Dash as well as various other items.

    There are various areas where you can find information on running different scripts to achieve setting up the Magic Dash:

    And for additional resources, read our blog on taking your documentation to the next level.

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    We've been using Hudu for our IT documentation needs since 2021, and it has truly transformed the way we manage our documentation and our client experience. We highly recommend Hudu to any organization looking to elevate their documentation game.

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    Greg W.President, Good Heart Technology

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    We moved to Hudu from another well known documentation platform. Out of all our IT stack, Hudu is probably the simplest product to pick up and use despite it being full of features that us MSPs love. We're so happy we made the move!

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    Aaron NihatDirector, Purple Cloud IT

    Purple Cloud
    Visit Purple Cloud IT

    Our team has found a platform that really stimulates best practice with business documentation. Hudu makes it easy to keep all client documentation organized right across the business spectrum…it's just easier than other platforms.

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    Tony CapewellDirector, Your Cloud Works Ltd.


    Standardization of processes drove our need for Hudu and in the end, the checklist feature and how we can assign checklists to any asset won us over. Hudu has certainly increased productivity and helped us adopt a culture of documenting.

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    Keith ParkerFounder/CEO, Methodology IT


    Hudu IT documentation boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface making it easy for both IT professionals and non-technical users to navigate and utilize the software effectively. It has comprehensive documentation abilities for all IT documentation.

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    Marc DriessenVice President, DMS ITech

    DMS IT Tech

    We have been very happy with the product, and how it keeps developing and adding features faster than anyone else. It’s the one app our technicians love more than everything else we use.

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    Ben FilippelliChief Technologist, Level5 Management


    Hudu is an easy-to-use documentation tool that is inexpensive yet powerful. It is a flexible documentation tool without long term contracts. All the customer data techs require is in one place - structured, properly laid out and easy to work with.

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    John KrikkeVP, Onward Computer Systems

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    Our techs love it since switching from another IT documentation platform.

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    Tara D.Accounting Assistant, IMPACT Technology Group

    Having client knowledge base is huge for an MSP and Hudu handles that all for us. We can share secure notes from there as well, give access with portals and create an internal knowledge base.

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    Mitch RedekoppOwner, Rivercity Tech

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    A cornerstone of our business. Thank you for making Hudu a solid dependable secure app.

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    Nicholas StangoOwner, Dataserv, LLC
