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    Asset Layout Templates

    Hudu provides asset layout templates for you to get started right inside your instance, but these documents give you the templates in a different format to help you plan and organize your instance. They list all the field options and give additional examples of assets to use each template for, example folders for organizing your asset layouts, and additional asset layout ideas.

    We've provided these two resources (a PDF and an XLSX download) to help get your asset layouts started:


    Asset Layouts Resource

    PDF Download

    This download provides you with a PDF handout of Hudu's asset layout templates and ideas for how to use them. You'll find default field types, additional asset layout names for your different asset types, folder name examples, and additional asset layout ideas for you to build yourself.

    Asset Layouts Resource XLSX

    XLSX Download

    This download allows you a great starting point to plan and organize your asset layouts by providing them in a format you can use to later import quicker and easier. You'll find default field types, additional asset layout names for your different asset types, folder name examples, and additional asset layout ideas for you to build yourself.