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    Release Notes

    Release: Hudu 2.28.0

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    Welcome to 2024 and to Hudu release 2.28! We've been busy since our last release and we've got a lot to share.

    New Features

    • Network Management: The newest tool in the documentation toolbox — Network Management includes IPAM and Rack Management for tracking and managing client IPs and network racks.
      • Rack Management: Efficiently manage and visualize server racks. Track and optimize rack and power utilization, link directly to assets, add photos, and specify rack dimensions and wattage for complete control.

        Release 2.28 blog image Rack Mgmnt
      • IPAM (IP Address Management): Take control of your network. Track, manage, and know how many and which client IPs are taken and available; complete with sub-network management, utilization percentages, and custom statuses and roles.
        Untitled design (2)

    • KB Article Version Comparison: Compare differences between KB article edits quickly by seeing what’s been added and deleted from the previous version.
    • New "List" Feature: Forget one-size-fits-all solutions. Our customizable lists adapt to your needs in asset and IP management, making your job easier.
      • Asset Layout Field: Drop the dropdowns. Our list fields let you select multiple items without fuss, simplifying asset management.
      • IPAM Enhancement: Create custom lists to make assigning network roles and statuses quick and simple.
    • Enhanced Webhook Capabilities: Set up real-time alerts for all important events like record creation, changes, and deletion.
    • Variable Asset Layout Fields: View your asset details in columns with variable field widths (now the default), minimizing the need to scroll.
    • Accordion Format in Editors: Keep everything tidy with the new accordion option, added to all WYSIWYG editors across Hudu.
    • Password Note Sharing: Notes added to passwords can now be shared with the quick-share options.


    • New API Endpoint for S3 Exports: Improved data exports with a dedicated S3 API endpoint.
    • UI/UX Enhancements: A more accessible and visually appealing experience with updated themes, navigations, and redesigned buttons.
      • Updated Hudu theme and link colors to further comply with ADA compliance.
      • Updated top navigation bar to match product UI.
      • Empty state messages added to right-hand utility bar dropdowns and quick-notes.
      • Refreshed Button Design: Experience a sleeker UI with our redesigned buttons across the Hudu application.
      • Moved the ‘Most Visited’ company overview widget up on the page (changed the order of widgets) so that it would be visible without scrolling.
    • Sidebar Usability Improvements: Keep the right-hand utility bar clean by toggling the sections to view only the necessary information and keep track with sidebar item counts.
    • Record Activity Updates:
      • Updated Activity feed UI/UX when viewing an individual record to easily show the last Updates and Views to record.
      • Updated Revision History interface to maintain consistency across different record types.
    • Upgraded Asset Link Field: Choose from the list of relevant assets when linking or search by name with the existing search option.
    • OpenAI Integration Upgrade: Updated the OpenAI integration to work with the newest model.
    • SAML/SSO Redirects: When signing in through SAML/SSO, it will now navigate you back to your previous page.
    • NinjaOne Integration Upgrade: Added US2 endpoint for NinjaOne integration.

    Bug Fixes

    • Process and Password Lookup Fix: Resolved an issue to ensure processes and passwords are correctly displayed in the Mobile App.
    • KB Article Order Sync: Addressed a consistency bug in the ordering of global KB articles across platforms for a unified experience.
    • S3 Export Bug Fix: Addressed a bug to ensure correct S3 bucket values during API exports.
    • Photo Gallery Correction: Fixed a bug to ensure photos are correctly associated with their respective companies.
    • Time Stamp Fix: Fixed an issue involving process completion time stamps showing UTC regardless of time zone override
    • PDF Export Fix: Resolved an issue where Hebrew characters were not showing in PDF exports
    • Various other minor bug fixes and enhancements.
    Be sure you never miss a release.

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